Elevate your online presence with our premium add-ons, offering advanced features and capabilities to take your website to the next level of performance and functionality.

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Premium Add-Ons to Supercharge Your Site

A selection of premium add-ons that can help you take your site to the next level. They can all be accessed right from the Eyecay dashboard.

Eyecay provides Application Hosting, Database Hosting, and Managed WordPress Hosting to sites that mean business. Join the growing club of 100+ companies who made the switch to better, faster hosting.

Nginx Reverse Proxy

Support to load WordPress from a subdirectory while a separate website (WordPress or otherwise) loads at the root domain.

*You must log in to your dashboard and contact support to enable Nginx Proxy for you.

Open source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.
Premium Staging Environments
Each Premium Staging Environment has 12 CPUs, 8 GB of Memory, and the same number of PHP Workers you have for your live site (based on your plan).
Automatic External Backups
Automatically back up your WordPress site once per week or per month to either Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.
Automatic Hourly and 6-Hour Backups
Additional restore point options for continuously changing sites like ecommerce or news.
Scale Disk Space
Transparent overage pricing allows you to plan and calculate exactly what you need in advance.

Nginx Reverse Proxy

Nginx, pronounced “engine-ex,” is an open-source web server used as a reverse proxy, HTTP cache, and load balancer.

It’s built to offer low memory usage and high concurrency. Rather than creating new processes for each web request, Nginx uses an asynchronous, event-driven approach where requests are handled in a single thread.

Nginx supports the ability to load WordPress from a subdirectory while a separate website (WordPress or otherwise) loads at the root domain.

With Nginx, one primary process can control multiple worker processes.

Pricing: $50 / month / per site

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Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.

At Eyecay, page caching is already built-in for all sites running on our platform. However, some more dynamic sites do not make the best use of page caching.

Ecommerce sites, membership sites, forums, discussion boards, blogs with extremely active comment sections, and other types of highly dynamic websites will benefit greatly by using Redis.

Redis cache allows for the reuse of cached objects rather than requiring the MySQL database to be queried a second time for the same object.

This reduces the load on a website’s MySQL database, while simultaneously decreasing the response time of the site and increasing the site’s ability to scale and handle additional traffic.

Pricing: $100 / month / site

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Automatic Hourly and 6-Hour Backups

Do you have an ecommerce site, membership site, a news publication with an army of editors, or another type of continuously changing site?

Our hourly and 6-hour backup options could be a perfect fit.

Rest assured that you can upgrade or downgrade this add-on at any time.

These are additional restore points. When you have the hourly backups add-on enabled, automatic daily backups are still taken and available to restore.

6-Hour Backups – $20 / Site / Month
Hourly Backups – $100 / Site / Month

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Automatic External Backups

Save the hours spent performing individual manual external backups. Instead, automatically back up your site once per week or per month to either Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

External backups can be configured for either a weekly or monthly frequency. You also have a choice between backing up your files only, database only, or both.

The Eyecay external backups add-on feature gives you the ability to build off-site backups into your disaster recovery strategy without having to configure complex plugins and connect to an external storage provider.

$2 per month for each site plus $1/GB for external bandwidth

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Scale Disk Space

A peak in traffic shouldn’t have you scrambling to change your plan. Our transparent overage pricing lets you calculate in advance.

For large sites with a lot of files or images, increase your plan’s disk space with our monthly add-on.

For additional flexibility, you can increase the storage space of your hosting plan with a few clicks inside the Eyecay dashboard.

Pricing: 20 GB increments at $20/month per hosting plan

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Reserved IPs for Eyecay Customers

Every Eyecay account comes with a staging environment for testing and development purposes. However, oftentimes you simply need more.

Want to create templates for future sites? Customers will be able to install plugins, configure them, add content, and much more with Premium Staging Environments.

Each Premium Staging Environment has 12 CPUs, 8 GB of Memory, and the same number of PHP Workers you have for your live site (based on your plan).

You can also turn on Eyecay CDN for a Premium Staging Environment. Since the testing environment closely matches your live environment, you can also perform website speed tests on your test site.

Pricing: $20/month per environment (prorated)

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